In the recent analysis of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) (the research and analysis division of the Economist Group), Serbia ranks tenth among the countries progressing the most in terms of its business environment for 2024-2028 vs. the previous five-year period.

Serbia gained 0.75 index points, owing mainly to the improvement of its macroeconomic environment, announced the National Bank of Serbia. As stated in the EIU report, Serbia attracted sizeable FDI, channeled to higher value-added sectors, which boosted economic growth and overall investment. At the same time, it is pointed out that the strengthening of macroeconomic policies and institutions contributed to market stability.

The EIU’s business environment rankings measure the attractiveness of doing business with 91 crucial indicators, divided into 11 categories.

The ranking’s importance is also reflected in the period it covers – the next five years, i.e. 2024–2028. As the index covers a number of factors assessing future developments as well, past experiences show that countries going up fastest on the rankings can be expected to experience further growth in real GDP, investment spending and FDI, it is said.

– Such assessments of renowned world magazines confirm the results achieved in the past years, when our country, in an environment of global crises, preserved stable economic growth and attracted record-high FDI year after year. What is even more important is the fact that in calculating the index, projections for the coming period are used – in the case of Serbia, we can expect further acceleration of economic growth and continued high FDI, as confirmed by trends recorded early this year – the NBS says.