House prices and rents continued to rise late last year, official data shows, but experts predict a slowdown.
Rent in properties owned by private landlords increased at the highest level since comparable records began seven years ago.
And while house prices were still rising in the year to November, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the pace of growth slowed.
Property values rose the slowest in Scotland, it said.
Private rental prices paid by tenants in the UK rose by 4.2% in the year to December.
That is a slight acceleration from the 4% average annual rise in November, continuing a trend which shows it as the largest annual percentage change since comparable records started in January 2016. Landlords have been hit by tax and mortgage rate rises, adding to their own costs.
There was a 10.9% annual increase in England, a 10.7% rise in Wales, a 5.5% jump in Scotland and 10.7% growth in Northern Ireland. Within England, prices rose by the fastest in the north west, up 13.5% over the year, and the slowest in London, a 6.3% increase. The typical UK house price in November was £295,000, which was £28,000 higher than a year earlier but a slight decrease from the previous month’s record high of £296,000.